Saturday, 13 May 2017

Back From Hiatus/Tulips...

Back from another hiatus. Since the recording session with the drummer, I've been pretty down. Not that the session didn't make me happy. Although it didn't go as planned, it went well as could be expected (I think my expectations were a little unreasonable) At least we got good and proper takes on two songs out of five-one of them being the song I want to pre-release as a single before the album comes out, (Your Room) so I'm happy as far as that goes. Piano tracks for the other 3 songs have to be redone. The meter was off-ever so slightly. That, as well as a barely perceptible click-track, made for a few frustrating and disappointing hours, but I MUST be happy with what I got. More sessions to come in early June.
I waited for months to hear back from Helie (the film security company) about the two hour orientation seminar I'm required to take before I can start working for them. After such a long time, the wheel began to squeak. I wrote a few e-mails asking when-and if-there would indeed be a seminar. Finally, they responded with some pretty good news. They would fast track me onto the call-list as long as I took their test again, and got my other two safety certificates. (free, online tests)
At last! Hope!
Unfortunately, it's an on call basis, and I hear there are times when there are long stretches with no work. So it's back to hitting the streets with resumes.
Hope gets dashed once again.

Helie says they're quite busy these days, but I cannot work for them until I collect the required I.D. I have no Ontario Picture I.D. yet and my passport has expired. More hold-ups!
I had the chance to help an acquaintance finish his dry-wall contract after his assistant bailed. I had done it a few times years ago, but didn't realise how much I had forgotten until I committed myself to the job. I felt terrible that my skills weren't up to snuff, as it were, but my friend seemed happy enough with my enthusiasm and was content to instruct me where needed. We worked together happily, singing along to the radio (he's a professional musician also) and conversing about everything from music to religion. I think he was impressed by my positivity and eagerness to please. That is until 5 days in, when I let him down terribly. Worried that morning I might be late, I ran out of the apartment forgetting to drink that day's methadone. I fretted the whole trip to work (an hour on transit) knowing that what awaited me that afternoon was the wracking sickness of opiate withdrawal. I warned him that I had forgotten to take my "medicine" but assured him I had a few good hours before I would be useless. Unfortunately, I barely made it past lunch before I began throwing up.
I felt ghastly, both physically  and emotionally. I was leaving him in the lurch with the work of two people and a deadline looming. I would never have bailed if I hadn't made such a stupid, careless mistake.
I hope he understands, and I haven't damaged his opinion of me.

Today there is a street festival outside my door. "Spring Into Parkdale!" I wandered the corridor to check out the vendors, and spent four dollars on a little black sequined blouse from my favorite local vintage boutique. However, too many Hipsters and not enough actual neighbours sent me home sooner than I had planned. Passing my local cornershop grocer, I noticed they had begun selling fresh flowers; Tulips of all colours, so happy and fresh! I splurged one last time this day, and brought home a small bunch. No matter how poor we were, Taylor would scrounge enough change to buy me tulips almost every week. When he couldn't afford any, he would steal flowers from someone's yard. I put them in a vase and set them next to his picture on the gothic Victorian sideboard he loved so much...