I'm still baffled the morning after watching the steaming pile of inexplicable mess that is Netflix's "FANATIC".
was initially intrigued that it starred John Travolta as what appeared
to be someone either Autistic or developmentally impaired, and assumed
he would lend his considerable acting chops to portray such a character
with depth, nuance and sensitivity. Well, my hopes began to fizzle once I
saw that the film was the latest "vanity project" (co-written,
produced, directed, catered by, etc) of Fred Durst, former Frontman for last century's
Pizza-Rock pioneers "Limp Bizkit". Now I've never seen any of Durst's
previous forays into cinema, but if this is any indication, then it
appears that his filmography is just as sophomoric, inane and pointless
as was his shitty band. The outrageously insensitive and offensive
charicature of-what should have been the pathetic, child-like- 'Moose'
aside, this film is just plain bad. I think it was supposed to be a Noir-ish, cautionary, morality tale, with what I think was supposed to
be a surprise ending, but "FANATIC" suffers from such an identity
crisis that it was impossible to find any kind of theme or meaning amid
this cringe-inducing, nihilistic goo. Emotionally convoluted, poorly
researched (with not even the most basic knowledge of police and
forensic procedure) and riddled with plot holes you could drive a Heino
through, not only is it a waste of time, but I needed to bathe once the
ordeal mercifully concluded. Unless you're drinking with friends and want a new film to add to the experience of communal hilarity you get with cult stinkers like THE ROOM or PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, then run screaming from this Limp Bizkit of a movie.